Our Bike Riding Clinics in Durham, Cary & Raleigh NC
The bike riding clinics at Developmental Therapy Associates are a great way to help your child learn the valuable skill of learning to ride a bike. We offer individual bike riding programs that are specifically customized and tailored to your child and their needs. Because every child is different, we do not provide bicycles, because we can not ensure that our bike would fit your child properly, so we do ask you to bring their bicycle along! We always find a safe spot, such as a local park or private parking lot, that both the child and instructor can practice in, as far away from traffic as possible. Safety is our top priority. Unfortunately our bike riding lessons are not covered by insurance, but we do offer cost-effective options like cutting the session into 15-minute intervals. Parents are also always welcome to observe the lessons.

Call Us To Schedule a Personalized Bike Riding Lesson in Raleigh, Cary or Durham
Durham Clinic – 919-493-7002
Cary Clinic – 919-465-3966
Raleigh Clinic – 919-870-1280