How Interactive Metronome (IM) Works
The Interactive Metronome program is used in conjunction with skilled occupational therapy services as an additional modality to reach therapy goals. Using intense repetition and feedback at the millisecond level, synchronization is created within the neural networks to increase speed and efficiency along white matter tracks to facilitate brain network communication for attention, executive functioning, cognition, sensory and motor skills. The IM effect outlines the three stages of increasing neural efficiency to support brain network communication and synchronization for improving focus of the Attention Control System (ACS) for goal related information to support processing and learning.

When Will You See Results?
Per clinical reports and research as well as parent testimonials and case studies, results of IM have been observed within just a few weeks. When used consistently and supported with additional therapy interventions as well as home programming, resulting increases will be seen in auditory processing overall coordination of fine and gross motor skills, impulse control, executive functioning, working memory and language skills.